“To Feel Better” – The Oval


The Oval is University of Montana’s undergraduate literary magazine. It prints one edition every year, and features nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and visual media submissions.

My nonfiction piece “To Feel Better” was selected for publication and will be available online and in print on April 15, 2019.

“To Feel Better” is the title piece of a much larger work. For my honors thesis, I created a composite of nonfiction stories, snippets, and reflections on my struggles with bulimia. This 55 page collection will be available on University of Montana’s Scholarworks archives. I will link this when it is available.

University of Montana’s Masters in Creative Writing Program is renown throughout the United States. Once ranked among the top 10 creative writing programs, it is the second oldest program after Harvard. Their undergraduate program, which I graduated from, is similarly prestigious Often, undergraduates students apply to flagship MFA programs and are accepted. Our alumni are Pulitzer Prize Winners and similarly accomplished as poets, authors, and editors.